Play | Make | Write | Think

Reflection Letter

The writing process has always been depicted as standardized, audience-orientated, and quantifiable during my English learning. Writing fell apart from me, becoming a designated process to meet certain requirement passively. However, being led through the ENG101 “Play Make Write Think” class by Instructor Morgen, I started to feel the intrinsic eagerness of producing writing as…

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Fiasco | The Fire of … Life?

The life is like fire: burning the gas, gobbling the oxygen, exploding dramatically, and extinguishing suddenly. Every life is a tragedy. And when a life meets other lives, it’s a fiasco. Therefore, when it comes to a game like Fiasco that lays out the narration about the uplift and downfalls of every character’s life, it…

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Liveblogging | Gone Home

I’m actually physically …13450 km away from the place I called home. “H-O-M-E. Home. Homehome. Ho-me. Home. The word “home” has been a strong word to me since I left home for school 2 years ago. It contains too much heavy, complicated, and honey-tasting holdings. And home is always far. It’s so far that even…

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Avatar | Hello, Cleopatra!

[Sound of typing the keyboard] [Sound of the “enter” key] [Silence] >Hello, Cleopatra! The avatar is here: clean and modern. “That doesn’t look like that Egyptian Cleopatra at all,” the audience is disappointed. But more of them choose to shut their mouth and pretend that they know something about that avatar. And I say this […]

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