Play | Make | Write | Think

My KickStarter Proposal: Dobb’s Playhouse

I’m not gonna lie, trying to come up with a game proposal that was centered around a problem Emory University freshman face, was pretty difficult, but, eventually, we came across the basics of “Dobb’s Playhouse” and began building up and perfecting the concept of our game. The purpose of “Dobb’s Playhouse” is to get freshman […]

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Reflection of Illimat Podcast

Illimat was definitely a tricky game to wrap my head around. There were so many different components and aspects of the game that I have never really encountered before in my many years of gaming. At first, it was hard to talk about anything other than how confusing and irritating the game was, but after […]

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A Visualization of How I Feel

At first, I didn’t really think this assignment would tell me anything I didn’t already know about myself and my emotions, but boy was I wrong. This chart exhibits the total number of positive and negative emotions I felt each day. As you can see, my mood seems to fluctuate almost everyday. This was probably […]

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A Visualization of How I Feel

At first, I didn’t really think this assignment would tell me anything I didn’t already know about myself and my emotions, but boy was I wrong. This chart exhibits the total number of positive and negative emotions I felt each day. As you can see, my mood seems to fluctuate almost everyday. This was probably […]

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Live Blogging Gone Home

So here I am, sitting in my dimly lit room live blogging “Gone Home”, these are my raw thoughts as I play the game. So first thing I notice about the game is that it resembles horror games I’ve played before: dark and eerie ambiance. I can feel a jump scare coming up as I […]

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Whats In My Bag?

Contents: Pencil case (for when I write, sometimes, useful notes), pack of gum, graphing calculator (to graph stuff), laptop (mostly just for canvas), class notebooks (for doodles), laboratory notebook (to write down, otherwise, useless experiments), wallet, lab goggles, lotion (for ashy elbows), perfume (to smell nice all day), lip gloss (prevents chapped lips), and earphones […]

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My Avatar

This is my avatar. The concept of my avatar revolves around the nickname my dad gave me as a kid: moon. My name is Muna and the first syllable of my name is pronounced “moon”, so, at the time, it just made sense. It’s a nickname that stuck with me all…

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