Playing Yourself on iTunes

Playing Yourself: The Rhetoric of Games is now live on iTunes — actually, it has been live for about a week now, but when I first submitted it I mixed up the author and title boxes so iTunes initially had it listed under the title “Play | Make | Write | Think.” That is corrected now, but the iTunes search function still seems to have an easier time finding the podcast if you search for it with the course title than the podcast title.

The first three episodes are up now, and the fourth episode on the SAT test should be syndicating at any moment. Another episode should go up today, with two more episodes the end of this week. Hopefully after that we’ll establish the regular schedule of two episodes going live each Friday.

Please subscribe to the podcast and listen to all of the episodes. You can add the podcast in your favorite podcasting app by searching for “Play | Make | Write | Think” or directly with this URL.


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